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OUVRIERBTP - CV Civil engineer
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CV Civil engineer

Civil engineer

3 à 5 ans d'expérience
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Réf. OB2501130207
Female Nouakchott Batiment Mauritanie 99000 Nouakchott



Ma recherche

Je recherche tout type de contrat, dans toute la France, dans le Batiment.


06/2023 : Bac
Bachelor in Civil Engineering
06/2023 : Master's Degree
M.S in Steel Construction
06/2020 : Post-Graduate qualification
Advance Post-graduate Diploma in Civil Engineering (Public Works)

Expériences professionnelles

07/2023 - à ce jour : Structural Civil Engineer chez Caupid, Nouakchott, Mauritania
- Modeling and study of constructions in steel framing using robot software
- Preparation of plans and execution details with Tekla Structure software
- Design and calculation of reinforced concrete structures
- Foundation calculations while adhering to the required regulations.
- Conducting site inspections and assessments to ensure compliance with safety
and design standards
- Utilizing AutoCAD,Revit for drafting and designing civil engineering plans
- Performing structural analysis and design using RSAP software
07/2023 - 12/2023 : chez I.p.s, Sfax, Tunisia
Ms. Steel Construction - Project
Project (On target) - Study and sizing of the metal structure with overhead crane
of the pumping station belonging to the seawater desalination station of Sfax
located in Gargour governorate of Sfax.
* Structural design and material characteristics, load assessment, calculation of
climatic actions and calculation of overhead crane actions.
* Modeling and sizing of superstructure elements (sleepers, posts, bracing,
purlin and stringer).
* Assembly study of some elements. All calculations are made considering the
regulations and verification by Eurocode 3.
02/2023 - 06/2023 : chez Lci, Tunis, Tunisia
BS. Civil Engineering - Project
Project (On target) - a study of a curved slab
bridge belonging to the X20-GP9 interchange

governorate of Tunis in Tunisia.
* Multi-criterion study and choice of variant
* design of the curved structure
* 3D modeling and reinforcement of the structure
using the computer tool (Robot, CSi Bridge, Revit)
* Deep foundation study
06/2022 - 07/2022 : Design Engineer chez Samed Engineering, Sfax, Tunisia
Project: villa (ground floor + 1)
* Structural Design (Selection criteria; Architectural constraints; Installation of
posts and sails; Structural choices ofbeams; Choice of floor type)
* Evaluation of loads: Permanent loads and operating loads.
* Modeling on Revit then Analyze with RSAP and Arche.
* sizing of the different elements of the structure (column, beam, floor, sail wall,
07/2021 - 08/2021 : Site Engineer chez Somotras, Mahdia, Tunisia
* Monitoring of the earthworks of a road section.
02/2020 - 07/2020 : chez Ingecotec, Tunis, Tunisia
Licentiate degree. Civil Engineering - Project
Project (On target) - Study and design of a crossing structure on regional road
82 governorate of Monastirin Tunisia
* Hydrological and hydraulic study,
* pavement structure design
* geometric study of the road,
* study and dimensioning of the structure
01/2019 - 02/2019 : Site Supervisor chez Regional Directorate For Equipment And Housing, Sfax, Tunisia
Monitoring of VRD works and sizing of drinking water supply and sanitation
networksDelimitation of the distribution area Calculation of peak flows ...
/ - : Site technician chez Kchaou De Batiment, Sfax, Tunisia
Follow-up of the execution works of a building
(basement + ground floor + 4 floors)



Atouts et compétences

calculations, assessments, English B1, PC hardware, Construction, Deep foundation, good presentation, Eurocode 3, Graphic Design, hydraulic, sails, Civil Engineering, sanitation, overhead crane, Engineering Management, motivational skills, steel framing, Steel, Public Works, ensure compliance, reinforced concrete, robot software, safety, site inspections, structural analysis, Structural design, Technical skills, Time management skills, water supply
Public speaking, versatility, oral and written skills, highly organized, organizing skills, Decision making, committed, interpersonal skills, passion, Energetic, Enthusiasm, professionalism, team player, Teamwork, 3D modeling, AutoCAD, Revit, Geographical Information System, Microsoft Office, Tekla
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